Let us oft speak kind words to each other
At home or where’er we may be;
Like the warblings of birds on the heather,
The tones will be welcome and free.
They’ll gladden the heart that’s repining,
Give courage and hope from above,
And where the dark clouds hide the shining,
Let in the bright sunlight of love.
Oh, the kind words we give shall in memory live
And sunshine forever impart.
Let us oft speak kind words to each other;
Kind words are sweet tones of the heart."Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words," LDS Hymn #232
This has always been one of my favorite hymns. Some of my ward sisters were being totally rude to me last night at our Enrichment Night/Book Club. I think it's such a shame when people feel so badly about themselves that they have to resort to calling other people names just to make themselves feel better.
Our book club book this week was "Baptists At Our Barbecue" by Robert Smith. We had all read it before (some of us about seventeen times!), but for the last two months we'd read nonfiction church-y books so we really just wanted some literature this month. We were all talking about our favorite parts of the book, and I made some tiny little comment about how Tartan had some of the qualities I was looking for in a husband. A few of the other sisters (who shall remain nameless, because I'm not spiteful like they are) said that they were sick of me always bringing my "quest for a husband" into every book club discussion.
I mean, I know we're supposed to just be talking about the books and expanding our knowledge base and everything, but aren't we also supposed to relate what we read to our real lives? Finding a good priesthood holder is my most important mission right now. I'm hardly the only girl in the ward who talks about it. I think these two girls are just afraid of being spinsters and they don't want to draw attention to it so they lash out at anyone who brings boys into the conversation.
Or maybe they're lesbians. That might be it. I don't judge people, but I hope that if they are lesbians they just stop coming to church because that's really gross and they would totally bring the wrong spirit there.
Anyway, so after I told those girls that I was just bringing up the part of the book that interested me the most, they got really mean. They said I was always flirting with all the guys in the ward, and that makes me a total ho.
Isn't that rude? What do you think? Am I a total ho?
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